Read Understanding the Different Side Effects of Chemotherapy additional

There are numerous different methods that can be employed to treat colon cancer. One of the most popular method is chemotherapy. This is a medical treatment that pertains to particular medications that are utilized to kill off the cancer cells that are invading the patient's body.

These drugs are administered in distinct ways - which include; intravenously over a pump, intravenously with injection, or taken orally with a pill. The types of drugs that the person will receive and how much of it they get is established by the kind of cancer that they are suffering from and how far advanced it is.

While chemotherapy is a rather effective operation it does have its definite drawbacks that some people are fearful to face. The medication used during the process will help to remove all of the cancer cells - which are traveling and dividing through the body at a quick rate. Yet, it will likewise get rid of the healthy cells contained inside the body. These include the lining of the GI tract, bone marrow, membranes that line the mouth, and hair follicles.

When these healthy cells are destroyed the patient will hurt from particular side effects which include;

Hair loss
Sore mouth
Nausea and vomiting
Loss in appetite
Rash on feet and hands

Because of the decrease of bone marrow the person's immune system will be low and they will be at a higher risk for an infection and bruising from small injuries. It will also induce fatigue because their red blood cell count is quite low and this is able to induce anemia.

These side effects may differ counting on the type of drugs that the doctor is administering to you. Hair loss is something that is less popular in many of the common colon cancer chemotherapy treatments. Your physician can tell you the side effects that may take place and how you will have the ability to deal with them.

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Learn how to identify Colon Cancer Signs [] and the different Chemotherapy For Colon Cancer.

Understanding the Different Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Understand Hair Loss And Estrogen - The Connection much more

Hair loss can be fixed. There are only just a few simple changes that need to be made to adjust the hormones that cause hair loss.

DHT is the hormone that causes hair loss. This hormone is known to cause many health conditions and diseases and is sometimes called the "death hormone". It is wildly assumed that testosterone is the cause of DHT. This is a common misconception and is not the case. Estrogen, the female hormone, is what causes the production of DHT. Therefore hair loss can only be stopped by the reduction of estrogen.

There has been a recent study that showed that the average fifty year old female had less estrogen then the average fifty year old male! Its studies like this that shows how important it is for the estrogen issues to be addressed.

Now it's more common than ever before to see the issues of estrogen dominance. That's because we have more chemicals polluting our foods and in the environment. This must be address to stop hair loss.

Is it possible for us to stop the environmental pollution that causes estrogen? Not really. But we can each do our part.

Diet is another great way to help prevent estrogen and hair loss. One great way to help prevent this problem is to eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and veggies. While it may seem like multi-vitamins may be the easiest way to go, nothing can replace the national value of a well balanced diet.

Hair Loss

For more hair loss prevention tips, please visit: Hair Loss Solutions a website that specializes combating hair loss and the connection between Vitamin C & Hair Loss

Hair Loss And Estrogen - The Connection

Hair Loss

Read through Breast Cancer - When Chemotherapy Is Necessary far more


Anna /M241, is a 50-year-old female from Acheh, Indonesia. She had a lump in her right breast sometime in 2000. She refused medical treatment. Instead she went to Jakarta to seek alternative treatments. These did not help her. The breast lump grew bigger and in December 2004, it developed into a lacerated wound and bled. She went back to Acheh and enlisted the help of a medical doctor to take care of her wound. At the same time she continued with other alternative treatments. Unfortunately, this doctor had been swept away by the tsunami that struck the city not long ago.

In February 2007, Anna came to Penang to seek medical treatment. Due to the advanced stage of the disease, no radiotherapy or surgery was indicated. Anna was asked to undergo chemotherapy. She underwent four cycles of chemotherapy at a private hospital. She suffered total hair loss but no other adverse side effects. Each cycle of chemotherapy, given at three-weekly interval, costs RM 3,000. However, each trip to Penang for this treatment would come to about RM 7,000. It is indeed difficult to imagine such financial burden endured by a family who had lost their home to the tsunami. Because of this, Anna's husband explained that they could NOT effort further chemotherapy and asked if they could turn to our therapy instead.

Anna came to see us on 5 August 2007. She appeared healthy and did not have any problem. The chemotherapy had helped her. Her lacerated wound had dried up and the tumor had shrunk significantly. The pains that she suffered earlier had subsided. She had gain weight and felt much better than before the chemotherapy.

A CT scan done on 9 May 2007, however, was most disappointing. It showed extensive metastasis to the pectoralis muscles and ribs. There were numerous well defined 4 to 25 mm nodules scattered in both lungs. The cancer had also spread to the lymph nodes. I asked Anna if the oncologist had told her the results of the scan. Her husband replied: "No. The hospital gave us the films and we went home. We did not understand what it was all about."

I asked them: "What did you expect when you came to the hospital for chemotherapy?" Both of them replied: "I expected to be cured."


It took me a while to regain my composure after looking at her scan. I was unsure if I should explain the results. I did not want to make her life miserable by telling her the bad news - after all, is this not the responsibility of her oncologist? I hesitated but her husband probed me to tell them the truth, which I did. The metastases in Anna's lungs were too numerous to count. While chemotherapy had helped her with the lacerated wounds, it was obvious that the treatment did not help her lung metastases.

Chemotherapy had helped make Anna's life better. The lump has also shrunk. If four cycles were good for her, does it mean that more chemotherapy (up to eight cycles) would be better? Indeed this is debatable - more does not necessarily mean better! While chemotherapy did not hurt Anna, it certainly hurt the pocket - I would not say "bank balance" because I am not sure if there was any bank left after the tsunami.

I pointed out to Anna that it was a mistake not to remove the lump (or her breast) when she first detected it. Surgery could have saved her all the miseries that followed. In this regard, I would advise women to have the lumps in their breasts removed if possible. I asked Anna's husband why they still continued with the ineffective treatments after knowing that the lump had gone bigger. Why wait for so long? Common sense should tell us that if after trying an alternative therapy for a month or two and it does not work or the condition deteriorates, patients should reevaluate their strategies - move on to something that is more effective or evidence-based.

However, I also highlighted the good side of what she did. I know of numerous patients who died within two to three years after doing what their doctors told them to do -- mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some even suffered severe pains and had bloated stomach before their death. So, undergoing medical treatment would not guarantee that everything would be fine.

Anna had breast tumor in 2000 and it is now 2007 and she is still alive and did not suffer any difficulties. She ought to be grateful for this blessing. I am reminded by what I have read. At a lecture at the American Cancer Society Conference in New Orleans on 3 July 1969, Professor Hardin Jones, University of California, Berkeley, was supposed to have said: "My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery."

In Malaysia, like elsewhere too, doctors often blame the herbs when things go wrong. Doctors want to have the first shot at cancer using their chemotherapy or radiotherapy. And if these fail they advise patients to go home and seek "hospice help" or go for herbs. Over the past decade, CA Care is the recipients of these terminally ill and medically give-up cases. I began to have the impression that going for invasive treatments at the first sign of cancer need not be a wise move. Sometimes, patients die because of the treatment rather than the cancer. Anna took the less traveled road. She sought alternative treatments and when these failed she turned to the invasive, toxic medical intervention - perhaps dealing out her last card. It has been seven years and she is still alive. I repeat, many who took the well-trodden road barely manage to live three to four years. So, Anna's adventure is not wrong, no matter how "foolish" doctors may think it is.

For more information about complementary cancer therapy visit:, [],

Breast Cancer - When Chemotherapy Is Necessary

Study Chop Chemotherapy Treatment far more

The treatment of cancer reached a new high on the arrival of chemotherapy. This treatment is meant for killing the cancer cells with the help of the anti cancer drugs by subjecting them in our body. There are several types of chemotherapy performed for the removal of cancer cells from our body. One of the methods is the CHOP chemotherapy method.

This treatment is purposely used for a type of cancer in a lymphatic system, known as the Non-Hodgkin lymphoma otherwise called as CHOP. The name CHOP has been named after the drugs used in this type of chemotherapy.

C stands for Cyclophosphamide.
H stands for Hydrodaunorubicin, chemical name of Doxorubicin
O stands for Oncovin
P stands for Prednisolone.

This treatment is given on the day time usually. Before the treatment commences, a blood test has to be taken on the same day. Based on the report of the blood test, the chemotherapy is performed. During the treatment, a flexible tube called cannula is inserted into the vein of the patient through the arms or through the collarbone as well. It will be painful, but for sometime. After the initial set up, the drugs are injected in combinations with help of a syringe.

Normally the drugs inserted into the vein will be in the following order;

Doxorubicin followed by, Oncovin and finally Cyclophosphamide. On the same day the tablets of Prednisolone are given. The patients have to take only the Prednisolone tablets for next 3 weeks and then have to undergo the same type treatment mentioned above, after the completion of tablets. Normally the treatment goes on for 3 to 4 months.


Anand prabhakar is an author living in India. He is an expert in chop chemotherapy [] and you can learn a lot about it from his website books on chemotherapy made []

Chop Chemotherapy Treatment


Examine How to Treat Early Signs of Hair Loss additional

How to Treat Early Signs of Hair Loss

Hair Loss

The first signs of hair loss can be scary but they can lead to total baldness if not taken care of. Thankfully there are ways to take care of the problem without sacrificing a lot of your time and money.

What many notice when they first start going bald is thinning hair. It doesn't even have to be all over the head. Many times it's in just one location such as the hairline or crown area.

Now if you're like most you've probably thought about or even tried using a product you've seen on television or in the stores. Is it really worth your time and money spent? Before you consider buying a product or even trying another one, examine these facts:

1.) Hair loss isn't genetic (Shocking but true)

2.) Lack of blood circulation is a common cause of hair loss

3.) High amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) leads to thinning hair

These are some common facts surrounding hair loss that can allow you to get a jumpstart on regrowing your hair and preventing any further loss of it.

Particularly look at number two, lack of blood circulation. If you suffer from a receding hairline, this could be your very reason for why you're having to deal with this problem. There is a way to get an increase in blood flow just to this area.

Take your fingertips and massage your scalp along the hairline daily for 10-15 minutes. This is all it takes really to get enough blood flowing to your follicles to produce more hair. What happens is that your follicles pull nutrients from your blood and use it as food for growth.

If you want your hair to stay you can make this happen. It doesn't take a lot of work. Read your free hair loss report today and see just how easy this really is.

Christopher Litmon is an ex-hair loss sufferer who has helped many men and women discover ways to regrow hair naturally.

Study Hair Loss - Hair Growth Products additional

Hair Loss

If you are a man or a woman and your hair starts to fall out then chances are you may be tempted to try some hair growth products to stop the hair falling out or just to try and make it look thicker. Of course like any other problem in life that you want to resolve, when you first look at it there seems to be an abundance of solutions out there showing you how you can prevent hair loss, and we'll look at a few of them here.

The main products you will probably have come across will first of all be hair transplants and then secondly some kind of prescription medication. Let's look at these first.

Getting a hair transplant is not cheap, prices vary but it is always in the thousands no matter if your currency is Euros, Pounds or Dollars and more often than not it is a course of treatment and not a one off and these treatments can be painful. For most people then, surgery is not an answer purely down to price.

Prescription medication on the other hand is more accessible, but again there is a downside to this too as some of the medication out there is specifically designed to combat DHT which is caused by too much testosterone and is quite often the cause of hair loss. Because this medication is combating testosterone, there are occasions when it can also effect a mans ability to perform sexually too.

So if those are the main two solutions, and let's be honest neither of them seem that desirable for one reason or another is there anything left that can encourage hair growth? Well if you believe in alternative therapy there is and the best thing is that these products are easy to get your hands on from health stores, grocery stores or supermarkets. So lets take a look at products to prevent hair loss:-

Saw Palmetto - Saw Palmetto has many good properties including helping against prostrate cancer, but it is really coming to light that it helps to fight baldness. Why this is no-one is 100% certain but it is believed that it blocks an enzyme which turns testosterone into DHT

Nettles - Another natural ingredient for combating thinning hair is nettle root extract. Nettle is high in many beneficial properties including vitamins A & C but its main strengths in fighting hair loss is that it again can help excess testosterone and DHT.

Any good supermarket should sell Rosemary and Sage and you want these 2 items in you shopping basket. The reason being is that you can boil these up with some nettles and then use the liquid to wash your hair. What you should find by doing this is that it really cleans your scalp and helps to thicken the hair root by stimulating it.

If getting all of these different products is a bit too much for you, then there is a company that has blended them together to provide a hair growth product called Provillus. This product contains all theses effective ingredients plus others to provide a solution to hair loss. If this is something that appeals to you then there is a full review on Provillus hair loss treatment [] at

Hair Loss - Hair Growth Products

Go through The History of Chemotherapy additional

Chemotherapy, one of the methods for cancer treatment, is performed by subjecting the anti-cancer drugs into the bloodstream and killing all the cancer cells in the body. It could be used both ways, in sense, before performing the surgery as well as after performing the surgery. In the first case, it is used to reduce the size of the tumors and the latter is to kill the cancer cells that remain even after the surgery is performed.

Chemotherapy method started to emerge from the year 1940, initially nitrogen mustards and folic acids were employed. Now-a-days modern version of chemotherapy is performed but the limitations and the principles which are used in the older days remain unchanged.

The first solid cell tumor called choriocarcenoma, in the year 958, was cured by the chemotherapy treatment using a drug called mehotrexate, by the National Cancer Institute, shortly known as NCI.

The combination therapy was started in the year 1965. James Holland and Emil Freireich formulated the cancer chemotherapy should follow the strategy of combination of drugs. The combination should vary for different cancers.

Gianni Bonadonna of Italy proved that adjuvant chemotherapy cures the breast cancer to more extent, even when the cancer cells spread out to the other parts.

As the chemotherapy not only cured the cancer, but also brought up some side effects in most of the cases. So it was necessary to use a supportive therapy in the form of antibiotics.

Alkylating agents, anti-metabolits, anthracyclines, antitumor antibiotics, monoclonal antibodies, platinums, or plant alkaloids, are the chemotherapy treatment methods.


Anand prabhakar is an author living in India. He is an expert in what is chemotherapy [] and you can learn a lot about it from his website history of chemotherapy []

The History of Chemotherapy


Read Hair Growth After Chemotherapy - Take These Best Steps to Regrow Your Hair Naturally and Quickly a lot more

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Often times, hair loss due to chemotherapy is one of the most difficult aspects of the entire process. While the medications that are contained in chemotherapy are effective at killing cancer cells, they can also damage your hair follicles. Happily, hair regrowth after chemotherapy can be encouraged in many ways. It can often take between two weeks and three months for hair to begin growing back after chemotherapy, so you must exercise patience during this time period. When the hair does begin to grow back, it will often be quite fine and brittle. Therefore avoid excessive brushing of your hair and make sure you always use a soft bristled brush to do so.

Hair regrowth after chemotherapy can also be encouraged by the use of certain shampoos and conditioners. Ideally, you should choose a set that contains natural ingredients that can not only encourage hair growth, but also heal scarred skin. Under no circumstances should you engage in heavy styling processes, like perming or dyeing your hair, for the first six months after their hair begins to grow. Hair loss after chemotherapy occurs because the hair follicles of the scalp have been damaged, and the use of heavy styling processes can increase this amount of damage. You can also choose to consult a dermatologist on methods of how to increase hair growth. The dermatologist may prescribe the use of minoxidil, which is the basic ingredient found in products to stimulate rapid hair growth.

Finally, there has been some anecdotal evidence in clinical trials that the use of nylon pillows can be detrimental to new hair growth, because the nylon pillows can irritate one's scalp. As an individual begins the process of hair growth after chemotherapy, he or she should be willing to "expect the unexpected". Often times, certain individuals have reported that the texture or color of their hair has changed once it begins to grow back. For example, a person who previously had straight hair may now have curly hair. Most importantly, a person should make an effort to keep their stress levels at a minimum during this trying time. Overwhelming stress levels can also contribute to potential hair loss.

Regrowing hair naturally is very effective but as with all natural ingredients, it does work quite slowly. Continue on to my site for further natural hair loss remedies that allow you to achieve quicker hair regrowth after chemotherapy. However if you want a faster method to treat your thinning or loss of hair, you may want to consider using an actual product that contains natural ingredients. See our reviews of the best hair regrowth products that also treats scalps which have undergone the rigorous treatment of chemo.

Hair Growth After Chemotherapy - Take These Best Steps to Regrow Your Hair Naturally and Quickly

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Study Hair Loss - Why You're Losing Hair much more

Hair loss, which is also called Alopecia, is a condition that affects both men and women. It refers to the partial or significant loss of hair from where the hair normally grows. Why should you be concerned if you are losing hair? First, it may be a cause of an underlying condition so consulting a doctor is always recommended. Not only that, hair is an integral part of the body and it could be devastating for someone who will lose it. Losing hair could have great psychological impact on someone affected since it could bring down self-esteem, self-respect, and confidence. Hair is the most decorative part of the body. It is almost as if it is the first thing that others notice in you. Without it, you might feel incomplete.

Coping with hair loss is not an easy task but there are things that you can do to at least hide your balding head. Hair additions, hats, and fixing your hair style can all help but if you are really concerned about it, consult your psychologist. This is especially helpful if you are feeling anxious, depressed, or shy when you are surrounded with people. Always keep in mind that in most cases, you could re-grow your lost hair. There are products available but you should always consult with your doctor to determine what treatment is necessary.

Alopecia can be categorized into various categories but the most common types are Telogen effluvium, Alopecia areata, Androgenetic, and scarring alopecia. Telogen effluvium, the first type, is a stress-related hair loss. It is non-scarring which means this condition is temporary and hair re-growth is still possible. Alopecia areata causes the loss of hair which looks like round patches. It is a shedding of scalp hair that is recurring. The third one which is androgenetic alopecia is a very common condition. This is called male pattern baldness in men that usually forms above the temples. Lastly, scarring alopecia is also known as permanent hair loss.

There are many causes attributed to alopecia like anxiety, hyperthyroidism, nutrition-deficient diets, infectious diseases, and some medications. Women during and after pregnancy may also experience hair fall out but this is only temporary. This is because of the sudden surge in hormone levels in the body of pregnant women. Two things that are almost inevitable though are age and genetics. Hair loses its beauty and strength as we age. By age 50, specifically, the amount of the hair follicles has declined by one-third. If you have a family member in your generation that had Alopecia before, it increases the chances of you having the same condition.

Since hair loss is a reversible condition, there are various treatment available depending on the type of Alopecia one has. There are also products available like Rogaine, Hairisol, and Provillus. Some may also consider natural remedies to be helpful while others also take vitamins for hair re-growth. There has been many scientific studies conducted and now we can do things that might not have been possible in the past. Lastly, surgery and hair transplant is also an option. For instance, in scarring alopecia, bald areas can be surgically removed and hair transplant can be an option. Different types of hair loss has their own unique treatment. It is crucial to know what type of Alopecia you have in order to determine what type of treatment is necessary.

Hair Loss
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Hair Loss - Why You're Losing Hair

Read through Hair Loss - Protect Your Hair With Natural Therapies! extra

Hair Loss - Protect Your Hair With Natural Therapies!

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Hair is measure of beauty; often it is the hair that can help you look young or old. No wonder, when youth is connected with hair, people try many things to protect their crop of hair or else get a completely new one, natural or artificial.

Hair loss is a normal process, every day each one of losses almost 50 hair per day to be replaced by new hair. This is hardly noticeable to us. However, the real problem begins when hair loss exceeds 50 hairs and there is no new hair growth in place of the lost hair. The result is balding. Balding occurs both in men and women, however, there are very less chances of women going completely bald because their hormones protect them from this situation, men are not so lucky.

However, thinning of hair has been bothersome for both sexes and there are several reasons why this occurs:

1) Excessive Use of Chemicals Based Products: This mistake is committed unknowingly most of the times. People tend to use the latest brand of a shampoo or a hair styling product, these products though created with utmost care, may not suit every hair type. Hair is delicate and it cannot withstand the harsh treatment. This results in hair fall. Initially no one really bothers about it unless the hair really starts thinning down.

2) Diet: People with low calorie or badly planned diet often start losing hair, hair just like other parts of the body need nourishment. Lack of nourishment can result into hair starting to look dull and luster less, after sometime it will start falling resulting into baldness.

3) Hygiene: unclean hair will definitely be a breeding ground for several different types of micro organisms, body's natural protection does fight against infestations, but if it continues of long period, you will end up damaging hair because of several scalp and skin problems, resulting into baldness.

4) Illnesses: This is a reason that cannot be helped, a sad but an obvious reason for hair fall. Some of the classic illness related hair fall cases can be seen in cancer patients. Reason for hair fall can be because of medications or therapies like the chemotherapy.

5) Hair Treatment: How your hair will look and stay like very much depends on how you treat it all during day time. If you tie your hair tightly, it can result into you balding from the front, if you comb harshly or use very hot iron curlers, there is a possibility of you damaging cuticles permanently resulting in hair loss.

For healthy hair you should ensure the following:

1) Use natural products for hair care rather than chemical based products;

2) Eat healthy, ensure that your food provides you with enough nutrition;

3) Maintain good hygiene, cleaner the scalp, lesser skin related problems and less chances of you losing hair.

4) Try forms of yoga like the 'shirshasana' it brings blood supply back to head and has proven helpful for growing back hair.

5) Try massaging your hair with medicated oils, simple coconut oil can provide your hair with protection against harsh sunlight and fungal infections, it can also provide your hair with enough nutrition for proper growth.

Try above steps to ensure that you get proper hair growth.

For more information on hair loss and hair loss treatment, please visit Hair Loss Treatment and Prevention Guide []

Understand Hair Loss and Dealing With Its Consequences far more

There is nothing more frustrating when waking up in the morning, jumping in the shower and watching your beloved hair fall right into the drain. What in the world is going on? Why is my hair falling out? Am I that old? How can I make this stop? You are not alone in this area of life. As it turns out many people in the world struggle with losing hair. So it's time to get informed. It's time to learn about the different types of hair loss and what you can do to treat it.

First and foremost some of the more rare types of hair loss are, thyroid problems, Genetic hair loss, malnutrition, and chemotherapy. If your body's endocrine system is not supplying your body with the proper amount of thyroid hormone's this can result in hair loss, especially in women. For this type of hair loss you need to see your doctor for prescription medication. Genetic causes, well you can thank your families bloodline for genetic causes in loss of hair. Some types of genetic Hair loss can be treatable, but most are not. Again sit down with your doctor and see if your symptoms of hair loss are genetic. Malnutrition is often found in children who are not eating balanced meals that can result in hair reduction. Once their eating healthy diets on a regular basis hair growth returns almost immediately.

Other forms of malnutrition hair loss may result in people who suffer from anorexia or bulimia. Not receiving proper nutrition on a daily basis can and will make your hair fall out. Last, but not least is Chemotherapy. If you are suffering from Cancer and undergo a Chemo treatment you might lose your hair, but the hair loss is only temporary. These types of hair loss are rare and some are treatable with the help of your doctor. Now the most common type of hair loss we deal with today is called Androgenic Alopecia. Also known as pattern baldness.

90% of hair reduction cases are from pattern baldness. Now what is pattern baldness? Well there's one acronym you need to remember here folks. DHT. DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone. It is the primary or main metabolite in the systems of your body. Well what's a metabolite? A metabolite is a direct product of the human metabolism. This primary metabolite DHT enables normal growth, development, and reproduction in the human body. DHT in the proper amount is a very good thing. However, too much DHT destroys hair growth by creating a sheath in your hair follicles that blocks hair growth.

The FDA has approved two different types of products to help restore this type of hair reduction. Some are over the counter products, other products require a doctor's consent and prescription. The first type of drug is known as Minoxidil. This is the only FDA approved treatment for women. This product increases blood supply and red blood cells to hair follicles to by-pass the DHT blockage sheath. The second type which is exclusive to men is called Finasteride. It uses the Testosterone hormone to actually reduce DHT. Doctor's call it a 5-alpha reductase type 2 inhibitor. In other words a DHT killer and hair growth enabler.

Due to the high volumes of testosterone levels used in Finasteride it is not used on women. In fact pregnant women can receive ambiguous genitalia in a developing male fetus amongst other hormonal issues. So it stands to reason why it's for men only. So now you know a little more about why people lose hair. Be sure to talk to your doctor.

To learn more about natural male hair loss treatment options, please visit

Pattern baldness also goes hand in hand with receding hair lines. For more information check out

Hair Loss and Dealing With Its Consequences

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Go through What Causes Hair Loss? additional

Are you losing your hair or is someone close to you beginning to notice thinning hair?

It can be quite distressing, even causing panic!

No doubt the first thing that comes to mind is: "What causes hair loss?"

Followed quickly of course by: "What can be done about it!"

This article deals with some main causes, and the end of the article will direct you to a good source for what can be done about it!

Some causes of hair loss can be temporary.

For example, chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients often results in hair loss.

Pregnancy and childbearing can also cause hair thinning in women due to the changes in hormone levels etc. in a woman's body during this time.

Some hair products can be harsh and result in hair loss too.

All these causes as mentioned above are generally temporary.

After chemotherapy treatment is completed, hair can return. Some months after childbirth a woman's hair can start to recover. Leave off harsh hair products and treat your hair kindly and you can greatly reduce the risk of hair loss too!

But no doubt you are more concerned if there are deeper concerns.

So apart from the reasons given above...

What else causes thinning hair?

Just growing older for one thing. Here are some interesting statistics from a British medical institution regarding the number of hair follicles normally found in one square centimeter of the scalp area:

During one's twenties and thirties expect around 615 per square centimeter.
After 50 this can drop to around 485.
And at age 80 there is a small further drop to about 435.

In addition to this, the hair itself changes in texture and volume. So the hair itself actually becomes thinner as we grow older which is why we sense our hair is not as thick as it used to be.

So can anything be done to stave off the fateful day when we may start losing hair as we grow older?


Give attention to your diet. A poor diet can contribute to hair loss. A healthy diet full of proteins, minerals, and vitamins, can not only benefit the whole body but your hair especially.

One cause of hair loss definitely within our control is smoking!

There seems to be a steady stream of research findings that indicate a higher incidence of hair loss and baldness with smokers than with non-smokers.

Should that be surprising? Hardly.

What happens when a person smokes cigarettes?

It has an effect on the circulatory system of the body. So an impeded blood circulation to the scalp area means less nutrients and oxygenated blood are reaching the hair follicles.

The result? Follicles can shut down and the hair falls out!

This information is a start in getting answers to the question: What causes hair loss? But there's a lot more...

Hair Loss

For a comprehensive study of most of the causes of hair loss, go to: Check the left hand navigation bar for a wealth of information for men and women.

As for a solution, here is one definitely worth checking out: Nisim NewHair Biofactors. It's a full hair care system that stops hair falling out within a week and then provides nutrients for healthy hair. Click Here For NewHair Biofactors:

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

Read Chemotherapy Drug Resistance extra

Chemotherapy Drug Resistance



In the older days, cancer had no treatment. After sometime came the surgery. But even after a surgery was performed there was a possibility of caner cells to return again. To minimize this and to make the surgery easy, in the year of 1940, a method called chemotherapy started to emerge. The ultimate aim is to kill the cancer cells present in the body by passing anti cancer drugs into the body.

While offering the chemotherapy treatment using different types of drugs depending upon the stage of the cancer, sometimes the cancer cells may resist the treatment offered. This is termed as chemo drug resistance. Even the chemotherapy may fail sometime too.

On the time of performing the chemotherapy treatment, some infected cells may not respond to the treatment. In sense they are not killed. Once they start to multiply, the resistance offered will be more. An infected cell may produce several copies of a gene. This gene amplification factor makes the chemotherapy drugs inactive and inefficient.

With a help of a molecule called p-glycoprotein, the infected cells can pump out the drugs injected into the body and thus making it inactive. The cancer cells also learn how to break the DNA pairs produced by the drugs to kill the defected cells.

It is the reason why the drugs are given in combination to kill the infected cells. If the physician uses a single drug, the cancer cells may learn how to inactivate the drug inserted into the body. So choosing the right drug combination would be the first aspect for any physician while treating a cancer patient.

Anand prabhakar is an author living in India. He is an expert in drug resistance in chemotherapy [] and you can learn a lot about it from his website how is chemotherapy made []

Examine Food Supplements and Hair Loss - 4 Food Supplements That Cause Hair Loss extra

For nearly two decades now, people have been ceaselessly buying and taking food supplements that promise leaner physiques and more efficient metabolisms. There are only two main goals in sight: look good and live longer. People can't help it; television and online advertisements have increasingly taken the shape of scientific studies.

1. Whey's for Leaner Muscles, Not for Good Hair

Whey, a derivative of common protein has been marketed for the longest time as a potential well of muscle building especially in men. Protein shakes, protein bars and protein powders abound in the world market, each offering a strong dose of whey in every intake.

However, did you know that taking these products could cause hair loss, especially if you take them far too regularly? No, the whey only has an indirect link with hair loss. However, what can cause baldness are the things they stick into dairy cows to increase meat and milk production.

2. Biological Magnification

In scientific parlance, biological magnification is the process of slowly accumulating harmful or non-helpful chemical compounds in the body. This includes hormones and antibiotics that have been given to chickens, cows and pigs before they are sent to the slaughterhouse.

Just like humans, our common sources of meat also store chemicals in their muscles, skin, vital organs and fat. That's why vegetarians often warn against the evils of eating red, fatty meat. There's another reason why eating such meat is toxic.

3. Is DHEA Causing You to Lose Hair?

Go to any reputable health supplement store and you'll find a conveniently marked shelf called DHEA. DHEA is actually an active chemical compound, and is used by people who wish to slim down. DHEA is popular because it can supposedly counter the vast storage of fat cells in the body.

In addition, DHEA is used to increase the maximal use of sugar. So instead of hoarding so much unused energy sources, you're burning what you eat as you exercise.

With all these seemingly positive aspects backing up DHEA, it seems that it's the perfect weight-loss drug. However, it still causes hair loss in both men and women. The reason for this is that DHEA still acts as a steroid when inside the body, precipitating the formation of DHT.

4. Bad News for Those on Chronic Arthritic Treatments

Alternative arthritis treatments focus more on the aspect of pain rather than on the inflammation itself. These alternative techniques teach a patient how to cope with the pain that results from aging and arthritis. However, most treatments for arthritis aim to counter the arthritis itself.

This is done with drugs like Prednisone. Since Prednisone is still a steroid, those who use Prednisone and similar steroid-like drugs for arthritis, rheumatism and similar conditions will unfortunately suffer from hair loss at one point or another.

Nothing can be done about this, unless of course the person is willing to take another drug to counter the effects of Prednisone. As you can see from all these, there's only a narrow chance that you'll be able to escape hair loss if you're dependent on steroids. So better skip them if you want to improve your chances in preserving your crowning glory.

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Food Supplements and Hair Loss - 4 Food Supplements That Cause Hair Loss

Read Cancer - Side Effects of Chemotherapy extra


If you or a loved one is undergoing chemotherapy or other cancer treatments, you may find that eating is complicated by odd tastes, loss of appetite, nausea, or other problems. You'll need a bit of patience, but these annoyances will pass. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you.

Lack of Appetite

- Being relaxed helps, so you'll want to make mealtime calm. If your appetite is intermittent, go ahead and eat whenever you are hungry. Let yourself have several small meals during the day instead of trying to get through three large ones.

- Morning may be the time you have the most appetite. If so, make the most of this time. For example, have two small meals and a snack before noon.

- Drink liquids half an hour before or after meals so you don't get filled up with fluid when you're trying to eat.

Taste Changes

Your sense of taste may change if you are on medications or receiving radiation treatment to the head or neck. Perhaps you can hardly taste or smell food at all. Nonetheless, keep eating during this temporary stage. Foods will still be nourishing.

Your sense of taste may continue to change during treatment. Experiment with sour, sweet, salty, and bitter foods to find out what's best for you. Try different seasonings.

Coping with Taste Changes

- For those with an increased sense of strong or bitter tastes, the mild flavor of some soy products can be a welcome change.

- For those with a metallic taste in their mouth, use plastic dishware and silverware.

- Peanut butter, tofu, and beans are bland foods that may be appealing.

If taste blindness is a problem, using marinades and seasonings for tofu and tempeh can enhance the flavor.

More information about chemotherapy for cancer disease: mesothelioma cancer and cancer information

Cancer - Side Effects of Chemotherapy


Go through Ultimate Guide To Avoiding Hair Loss a lot more

Hair loss (Androgenetic alopecia) refers to the reason of hair loss that is influenced by the androgen hormone, the genetic tendency for balding and aging. Because hair loss is caused by these hormones, treatment is available to immediately and dramatically prevent the loss of hair.

Androgenic Hormones

In general, normal men including women make male hormones. Testosterone, underestimation, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are the most common that they produce. Androgens are manufactured by the men's adrenals and testicles, and in women, by their adrenal glands and ovaries. In both sexes, these hormones are important but take place in different concentrations and amounts.

When hair follicles are exposed to DHT, a genetically prone individual, over time, leads to androgenetic alopecia, or female and male pattern baldness.

In particular cells of the hair follicle, as with in the sebaceous glands, there are enzymes called 5-alpha-reductase that are in high levels, converting testosterone which is then carried to these areas by the blood, and into DHT.

Hair loss myths:

Myth #1: Hair loss of an individual is inherited from the mother side.

Not true. Genetics is one factor of hair loss, it can be inherited from either the father's or the mother's side.

Myth #2. Frequent cutting of hair will make it grow thicker.

Not true. Although when the hair is cut, it would appear thicker at first, after three days or so, your hair would drop off and new hair would grow, having the same diameter as the pre cut hair.

Myth #3. Wearing a Hat Can Cause Hair Loss.

Not true. The hat can help by blocking off the sun's harmful rays. Although wearing a hat for a very long period of time may cause sebum accumulation due to temperature changes and can react with cholesterol creating a hardened sebum plug that will cut off oxygen circulation causing the hair to fall out.

Myth #4. DHT is the reason for hair loss.

Not true. Although an over production of DHT is a significant reason for hair loss, it is not the only cause.

Myth #5. Frequent shampooing and blow drying lead to hair loss.

Not true. Heat can damage the hair, reason for brittle hair; it does not harm the roots of the hair.

Even worse, some perscription drugs are known to cause hair loss. Avoid if at all possible the following drugs:

- Cholesterol-lowering drugs:

- clofibrate (Atromis-S)

- gemfibrozil (Lopid)

- Antidepressants:

- tricyclics, amphetamines

- High blood pressure:

- atenolol (Tenormin)

- metoprolol (Lopressor)

- nadolol (Corgard)

- propranolol (Inderal)

- timolol (Blocadren)

- Antithyroid:

- carbimazole

- Iodine

- thiocyanate

- thiouracil

- Ulcer drugs:

- cimetidine (Tagamet)

- ranitidine (Zantac)

- famotidine (Pepcid)

- Anticoagulents:

- Coumarin

- Heparin

Actions you can take to prevent hair loss:

- Stop coloring or perming your hair very often for it can damage it
- Limit exposure of your hair to chlorine
- Avoid exaggerated brushing or combing wet hair
- Use a conditioner every after shampoo to make grooming manageable and easier
- Regulate heat exposure. Blow-drying, hot-curling and exposure to straightening irons may damage your hair over time
- Avoid medications that can lead hair loss such as Vitamin A, testosterone products, beta blockers, certain antidepressants and certain cholesterol-lowering agents
- Too much alcohol should be avoided. Be careful in choosing your hair care products as some contain alcohol and can contribute to hair dryness, brittle and hair that is prone to breakage.
- Tight ponytails and braids can lead to hair damage
- Maintain a healthy diet, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water
- Birth control pills can contribute to hair loss
- Consult your doctor if should you notice abnormal hair loss, as certain medical conditions such as lupus or having polycystic ovaries, or hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss

Vitamins you can take to prevent hair loss:

- Thiamin ( B1)

Containing the mineral sulfur, this is the essential element of the hair that gives gloss and shine.

- Riboflavin (B2)

This vitamin is vital for body cell breathing, ensuring efficient oxygen utilization for cell repair and production.

- Niacin (B3)

Helps to widen capillaries and vessels thereby increasing the blood circulation to the scalp to help stimulate hair growth. It also may reduce the cholesterol build up which is essential since cholesterol on the scalp will convert to the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.

- Pahtothenic Acid (B5)

This vitamin helps in restoring hair color and brightness. It works with the amino acid Tyrosine Folic Acid, PABA and Copper in the deterrence white and gray hair.

- Biotin (B7)

Biotin is a widely used ingredient in hair products due to its hair promoting properties. Biotin increases hair cortex elasticity , prevents breakage, and thickens hair cuticle.

- Cobalamin (B12)

Regenerates red blood cells for healthy hair.

- Pyridoxine (B6).

Responsible for protein intake balance, it helps in transporting amino acids to the proper tissues. This is also essential in the conversion of one amino acid to another like the conversion of Methionine to Cysteine. With Inositol, they regulate oil flow to the scalp and the skin.

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Ultimate Guide To Avoiding Hair Loss

Understand Is Chemotherapy Safe? much more


It's been estimated by some experts that by the year 2018, cancer will be the number one killer of us humans in North America. I can almost see the confused look on your face. If so much money is being poured into cancer research and so much progress being made, how can this be? Well, I imagine there's much more money being made than progress when it comes to conventional cancer treatment. It's obvious that some form of chemotherapy is the first choice of most doctors when it comes to treating your cancer. But is chemotherapy really safe?

Basically, when you have cancer and are prescribed chemotherapy, the drugs enter your bloodstream and destroy every rapidly dividing cell they can find. This means cancer cells. This means hair follicles. This means digestive tract cells, reproductive cells, and even bone marrow. This is why chemo patients become so violently ill and lose their hair during treatment. So, if your chemotherapy regimen kills your cancer before it kills you, then I guess it was a success. The cancer industry will shout about newer, gentler forms of chemo, but in order to be successful they all have to search and destroy.

According to a study published by Clinical Oncology in 2004, the average 5 year survival success rate of chemotherapy was just over 2% for all cancers. Pretty great odds, don't you think?

Add to that the fact that many polls and questionnaires suggest that as many as 75% of doctors would refuse the very same chemotherapy treatments they're prescribing for you! Can you believe that?

We live in a society where we're able to make educated choices about these types of things. When it comes to chemotherapy, you should educate yourself before making any decisions. Chemotherapy is very questionable in its effectiveness and certainly unsafe. In the end, I just can't see how something so utterly destructive can ultimately heal your body. There are many, many other options out there. You just have to take a look around.

If you or someone you care about is dealing with any type of cancer and are not thrilled with what conventional medicine has to offer, go take a look here:

Is Chemotherapy Safe?

Examine Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder much more

Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder

Hair Loss

Excessive hair loss should never be dismissed as a cosmetic problem, as it can be an early warning sign of impending illness. Any change in hair can be the body's way of telling you to pay attention to your health.

The condition of one's hair is an indication of their entire physical and emotional well-being. When a person is physically or emotionally ill their hair may become dull and lifeless, and may begin to fall out. Traditional Chinese medicine and other healing systems view the outward appearance of one's hair as an indication of the internal system.

Hair loss is a symptom of many medical conditions. Taking hair loss seriously in the beginning stages can help prevent a slight imbalance from becoming a more serious medical condition. In many cases hair loss is temporary and can be easily corrected once the cause is identified and addressed.

An example of hair loss as an early symptom of impending illness was documented in the Journal of Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM, December 1989.) A 40 year old female experienced chronic diffuse hair loss with no other symptoms. Six months later she experienced an attack of ulcerative colitis. She was treated and remained well for eighteen months. During this time her hair loss ceased. Her second attack of ulcerative colitis was also preceded by diffuse hair loss before any other symptoms were present. Because of this pattern, another episode of hair loss could be a warning of the possibility of an upcoming ulcerative colitis attack, and preventative measures can be taken.

Other gastrointestinal disorders such as Chron's disease and Celiac disease often include hair loss as a symptom. These types of disorders hinder the body's ability of absorb nutrients. Malnourishment often shows up in the hair before other symptoms are present.

Hair loss is often the first symptom of any type of adrenal gland imbalance. If treated early balance can be re-established. Untreated adrenal gland disturbances can progress to more serious disorders such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome.

The thyroid is commonly involved in hair loss. A healthy thyroid is essential for healthy hair. Even a slight deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones could cause hair loss. The thyroid should always be checked when hair loss occurs.

There are over 80 different autoimmune disorders. Although hair loss is very common with certain autoimmune disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, and Grave's disease, it can be a symptom of almost all autoimmune conditions. Changes in texture, color, dryness etc. commonly occur in autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune conditions cause the immune system to mistakenly view its own cells as foreign invaders. In response the immune system begins to attack its own body, affecting various organs and body systems.

Any liver or kidney deficiency can manifest as hair loss. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are believed to be the primary organ connected to scalp hair. It is thought that beautiful lustrous hair is a sign of healthy kidneys; and that a weakness in the kidneys can cause thinning and prematurely gray hair.

Problems with insulin and blood sugar levels such as in hypoglycemia and diabetes can cause hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia are also causes of hair loss.

Any hormonal imbalance can lead to hair loss. A common cause of hair loss in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Candidiasis albicans is a condition of yeast overgrowth which can become very destructive and cause many health problems including hair loss.

These are some of the more common medical conditions in which has loss can be a symptom. Anytime the body is not functioning optimally hair loss may occur. Because hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body (along with bone marrow) it is very sensitive to any disturbances.

It is important to pay attention to any changes in hair and to identify the cause as soon as possible. Correcting the problem early could minimize future health problems.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about what causes hair loss, and how to treat it, you may wish to read Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem by Melanie Vonzabuesnig Please vistit VZ BOTANICALS for more information on hair loss.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy as a natural solution for her own hair loss. Information on aromatherapy and hair loss is available in her book Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair

Understand Hair Loss Treatment & Remedies extra

Chemotherapy Hair Loss

There may be many reasons that you have suffered hair loss. Chemotherapy, thyroid issues, and genetics are all leading contenders when it comes to hair loss. A change in diet can do it; when it comes to hair loss, vegetarians can be quite affected, especially if they are just starting.

What all these causes boil down to however, is a change in your body chemistry. Somewhere along the way, something has changed, whether it is a change in medication, the development of an illness or a medical condition. If you are concerned about hair loss, treatment can go a long way towards restoring both your locks and your self esteem. Women have it especially hard when it comes to hair loss. Hair loss in women can result in things like a loss of self-esteem due to a belief that she is no longer attractive. While nothing could be further from the truth, getting your hair back to its usual thick and shiny texture can go a long way towards making you feel better!

When it comes to remedies for hair loss, treatment varies wildly. As stated above, hair loss is usually a sign of something changing in your body. While it might be genetic and not signify something more serious, you may wish to speak to your doctor about it.

In terms of remedies, there are many folktales and stories that when examined, have very little basis in fact. Brushing your hair a hundred times before bed won't make it grow faster, for instance. There are many over-the-counter remedies that are sold in drug stores or online, but most experts are wary of trusting such things. Because there are such a wide variety of causes for hair loss, treatments need to be just as varied.

If you are looking for remedies, the best way to find one that works for you is to find out what has changed in your life. Sometimes the answer is simple. For instance, if you have recently given birth, there is a good change that your body has been depleted of the vitamins it needs for good hair production. Reintroducing vitamin B12 to your life in the form of supplements can go a long way towards helping you regain hair that has been lost. If you are male, these supplements may also help if you believe that your hair loss is due to a vitamin deficiency. Another common cause of sudden hair loss is related to scalp issues. Once you have made your scalp healthier, there is a good chance that your hair issues will be resolved as well.

When you are working on hair loss issues, remember that what works for someone else may not work for you; you may have to do a bit of searching to find an answer that you are comfortable with!

Read other Hair Loss related articles by Anthony Smith at:

Hair Loss Treatment & Remedies

Read Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency much more

Until now the debate over hair loss vitamin deficiency has been raging. One side says that hair loss is not due to a lack of vitamins in the body. The other side says that losing your hair due to nutrient deficiency is very real. What is the truth about hair loss vitamin deficiency?

Hair Loss

Even the healthiest person can experience hair loss. This is because hair loss is often caused by heredity and the action of hormones. Some individuals actually have genes that make them sensitive to the hormone DHT. It is this hormone that eventually shrinks the hair follicles and causes hair loss. This doesn't mean though that there is no truth behind hair loss vitamin deficiency. In a way, being deficient in some vitamins and minerals could contribute to hair loss in people of all shapes, colors and sizes.

Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Human hair is not an artificial attachment. It is very much a part of our bodies. Whatever we put inside our bodies will therefore either nourish or contribute to the diminished quality and quantity of our hair. It has been scientifically proven that eating meals that lack some vitamins and minerals can make you shed some hair strands.

People suspect that vitamin deficiency is caused by bad eating habits. Uncontrolled dieting, frequent fast food meals or not eating at all due to lack of time are only some of the modern conditions that can help promote hair loss vitamin deficiency.

Nutrients You Need

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet would, naturally though, decrease the chances of suffering from hair loss. This would mean cutting down on fat, eating only lean meat and increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Other than this common sense tip, you should also remember to ensure that you have enough of some specific vitamins and minerals to prevent hair loss vitamin deficiency. One examples of these anti hair loss vitamins are the B complex vitamins specifically vitamin B6. This vitamin is necessary for promoting healthy blood cells which are needed to distribute nutrients to the entire body, including the hair. B complex vitamins can be found in beans, poultry, milk, cabbage, oatmeal, nuts and spinach.

Aside from the B-complex group, you should also make sure that you have enough vitamin C, A, E and K. Other than vitamins, increase your intake of foods with magnesium and zinc too.

Because it is not always possible to get all these nutrients by food and diet alone, it is also advisable to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Other Hair Loss Cases

You may have another cause for hair loss if you are taking the right supplements and eating balanced diet but still having hair loss. Consider looking into other factors. It is possible that if hair loss does not run in your family, then it could be caused by stress, restrictive hairstyles or an autoimmune disorder.

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Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Read through Hair Loss - Hair Transplants extra

For those who have experienced permanent hair loss whether from male pattern baldness, injury or trauma, hair replacement surgery may be a possible solution. A doctor can help determine if hair transplants are a good choice for you, and in some cases, if done for reconstructive purposes, these procedures may be covered by health insurance.

There are many qualified doctors with years of experience in hair replacement surgical procedures. And there are techniques available now that ensure that the end results are more natural looking than were produced by transplant procedures of the past. While this page will discuss some aspects of hair transplants, it will be up to your doctor to cover all aspects of any procedure that's pertinent to your particular needs.

Hair transplants can certainly restore some of the hair lost to pattern baldness, but in some cases, it won't match the full head of hair the patient had before hair loss started. Also, this is surgery and like all surgery, has some risks associated with it.

The hair used for transplants is taken from the rim (donor areas on the sides and back) of the head and transferred to the balding (recipient) areas. These donor areas must be healthy and have enough hair to used for replacement. The actual hairs of the cells that are transplanted will fall out initially, but new, permanent hair will eventually grow in its place. The three areas of the head that receive hair are the crown of the head, the mid-scalp area and the front of the head.

For best results, it's important to find a well-qualified surgeon who has experience in hair replacement surgery. This doctor should be knowledgeable in all types of transplanting techniques and able to help you decide which is the best for your case. This will start with an evaluation of your hair loss, family history, general health, and your expectations and goals. Your doctor should be able to inform you of any risks involved, including those that exist because of lifestyle or a pre-existing medical condition.

Thoroughly research and review prospective surgeons before deciding on one because hair replacement surgery is not extensively regulated. There is no single type of doctor who performs these surgeries. General practitioners, cosmetic surgeons, and dermatologists can all perform transplants. So make sure you get all pertinent information you need from each doctor, such as:

· A description of available transplant procedures as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. · The doctor's background, including the number and type of transplants he or she has performed. · What you should do before the surgery to prepare, and after to aid recovery and healing. · What sort of anesthesia will be used. · Photos of people with situations similar to yours before and after their procedures.

Since it is surgery, there will be specific guidelines for you to adhere to in preparation for surgery. These are meant give the procedure every chance for success and to minimize any difficulty during healing and recovery.

The actual surgery will involve transplanting small parts of the scalp from donor areas to the intended recipient areas. These donor scalp pieces can contain from 2 to 40 hairs, depending on the technique used. The smallest numbers of hairs that are transplanted are follicular units.

The transplanting of follicular units is the most modern of transplanting techniques. The biggest advantage to these kinds of replacements is the patient's hair can wind up looking very natural. Also, because of the way the donor section is removed, there is usually comparatively little scarring.

The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The recipient incisions are made with a very small instrument, and the grafts attached in such a way as to produce a growth direction that matches and recreates the original hair. Also, the much smaller grafts can be placed very close together to result in a thicker head of hair. An even newer technique is called Follicular Unit Extraction. It uses a small tool to remove individual follicular units. No scar is produced with this technique but it's more expensive and time consuming. Also, there's a greater chance that some of the follicular units may be damaged in the process.

As in all surgery there can be complications such as scarring, infection, swelling and numbness. Your doctor should be able to provide assistance with some or all of these problems.

So the upside to FU surgery is that it can produce results that mimic the patient's original head of hair in nearly every way. These transplants can look natural to anyone who examines them. The downside is that some replacement clinics are not able to provide the level of skill and the amount of time needed to successfully perform this procedure.

Hair replacement works for most (but not all) who have the procedure done. Remember though, it is surgery and the most invasive form of hair replacement available. Do your homework and be sure that it's for you before having transplant surgery.

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Hair Loss - Hair Transplants

Go through Hair Loss From Chemotherapy a lot more

Many of us have family members, friends or acquaintances who are suffering, or have suffered, through cancer and most of those people have been treated with chemotherapy.

One of the most common effects of chemotherapy, besides loss of energy, wanting to sleep all the time and the loss of imunity, is hair loss. Between people the hair loss will vary from thinning of the hair to a complete loss of hair.

Complete hair loss means from all part of the body including pubic hair. While it is difficult to see yourself without hair, you should know that the hair will reappear over a period of a few days or not happen for weeks into the therapy

Not every cancer drug used in chemotherapy will cause hair loss. Make sure you talk with your doctor about new chemotherapy drugs that may not cause you to lose your hair.

When the hair comes back, it can come back different then what the patient is used to. A friend of mine had perfectly straight hair, then went through chemo and when her hair eventually came back it looked as though see had a perm.

If you are about to go through chemotherapy you should plan to manage hair loss during treatment. You may not experience total hair loss, but being prepared for hair loss will allow you more peace if it occurs.

Before you start going through chemo, start being kind to your hair. If you are bleaching, coloring, or perming your hair, STOP!, can make it weaker. Avoid hair dryers and curling irons. The heat will contribute to the loss of your. You may want to consider cutting your hair. Short hair looks thicker than long hair and it won't be so easily noticed. It might make it easier on you and your emotions if your hair is short before it starts falling out.

If and when you do start to lose your hair make sure that you protect what hair you have by using a satin pillowcase, using a softer brush, and washing your hair only when it is necessary. When you do shampoo, use a gentle shampoo without chemicals or detergents that can dry out your scalp.

I've heard of some poeple that even have shaved their head instead of allowing the hair to fall out in clumps. Patients report that shaving their head eases the irritation and itching that accompanies gradual hair loss from chemotherapy. It may also look better than hair that is patchy and sparse during therapy.

If you have lost your hair you have the choice to use wigs, scarves, hats, turbans, or hairpieces. A wig may sound like a terrible idea, but a friend of mine wore a wig and it looked so good I just assumed that they never lost their hair when they went through chemo.

The National Cancer Institute advises cancer patients if they are going to buy a wig for use during chemotherapy, to have it fitted and made before the therapy starts. The wig matches more closely to their original hair color and texture.

Why does hair loss occur when a patient has chemotherapy?

The drugs used for cancer treatment are designed to attack fast growing cancer cells. They also attack other cells in your bodies and including the hair follicles and roots. This means that hair loss may not be limited to the scalp. People also may lose hair from their arms, legs, underarms, and pubic area. The eyebrows and eyelashes may also be affected.

There isn't a treatment yet to prevent hair loss during and after chemotherapy. It's best to plan, there is a chance you won't lose your hair, but if you have planned and prepared for the loss, everything will be ready if you need it. Patients have tried placing ice packs on the scalp to slow blood circulation and maybe prevent hair loss. Most find it is cold and uncomfortable and not worth the risk of cancer recurring in the scalp area. However, for those who have been willing to try it, seems to work for 50 percent of people.

Hair loss will continue for as much as a month after your last chemotherapy treatment. It may fall out by the hands full, or gradually. Specialists tell us that a person has to lose more than 50 percent of their hair before people will start noticing. Hair growth after chemotherapy is about a quarter inch of hair each month. It could also come in gray until pigment cells start working again and give your hair its natural color.

Hair growth treatments won't prevent hair loss but it will speed up the growth process of new hair. Using this drug may slow down the rate of hair loss, but that depends on each individual.


Get the Valuable Information You Need By Visiting Treatments and Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss From Chemotherapy


Read Thyroid and Hair Loss far more

Hair Loss

The hair is regarded as the crowning glory of an individual. After all, it is the first thing that gets noticed by the people around you. The hair is said to be one of the proofs of beauty alongside with the teeth and the nails. But then, here comes the truth about hair loss. Those who experience hair loss at a very tender age somewhat get panic-stricken. Hair loss becomes very obvious and if it continuously gets ignored, the worst should be expected. It is none other than baldness. You would not want to get bald most especially if you are under the age of 30! How can you go on with your daily routine with a little hair on your head? How can you face the world when in fact you've got the biggest problem in your life?

Hair loss is literally an accepted fact these days. As in the case of men, they have accepted that at a certain age they will be facing hair loss problems. But then it is a different case with women. There is nothing scarier than realizing that you are suffering from hair loss. How would you face your everyday habit with a bothersome hair loss dilemma? When you start noticing that your hair gets thinner everyday, you start to panic. But before you take some drastic measures; be sure to first research about its possible causes. Some of the most common factors that prompt hair loss are aging, heredity, poor blood circulation, weight loss, hormones, faulty immune system, stress, vitamin deficiency, under active thyroid glands, and diabetes. If you suffer from any of these, you can probably trace the root cause of everything. If you are unsure of the real cause of your hair loss, why not get professional help?

The hair is a clear mirror that shows whether the human body contains enough nourishment or not. An oily hair indicates vitamin B insufficiency, a dry or brittle hair shows that there is fats deficit, a dull color of the hair and its poor growth visibly signal the lack of zinc and the frequent hair loss may indicate that there are vitamin C, lysine, iron, and vitamin B1 deficiencies.

There have been several recognized factors that are associated with hair loss. One of which is an under active thyroid gland. There are many cases wherein the thyroid gland is the main root of all. As everybody knows, the thyroid gland is a major component of the endocrine system. It is responsible for producing various hormones that motivate the diverse functions of the body. Now if what you have is an under active thyroid gland, the necessary hormones that will keep the hair healthy and strong will not be produced.

Hair loss is typically related to fluctuations in the hormone production. Both men and the women are subjected to hair loss especially if their thyroid glands fail to work double time. Often referred to as hormonal hair loss, this dilemma is set permanently for the males than for the women. The hair loss problem can be solved by the application of the rightful treatments. Therefore, if the cause of the hair loss is a thyroid disease, make sure that you undergo a series of therapy to correct whatever it is that needs to be straightened out. You should not also drastically use hair loss shampoos if you are not sure if it will work for you. It will not do you any harm if you get the help of the expert. It may cost you some dollars but there is no better way that it.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about the thyroid and hair loss.

Thyroid and Hair Loss

Understand Chemotherapy for Colon-Liver Cancer - A Medical Smoke Screen? far more


I have just finished reading pages 28 to 42 of Dr. Jerome Groopman's book: The Anatomy of Hope, and felt I need to stop reading and write this piece to share with you what I have learnt. For more that a decade I met with many cancer patients. Inside me I felt all along that many or most oncologists often misled their patients to their treatments. Today after reading the story written by no less than one of the world's leading oncologists and researchers, I now feel I was right all along. Let me relate what Dr. Groopman wrote about what happened sometime in 1978-1979.

The Actors in this Story

1. Patient: 52-year-old Frances Walker, an African-American with a teenage daughter, Sharon.

2. Main doctor: 50-plus-year-old, Dr. Richard Keyes at Russell Clinic, a town north of Los Angeles, California, USA.

3. Second doctor: Dr. Jerome Groopman, 27-year-old, up and coming doctor doing a fellowship in blood disease at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Frances had traces of blood in her stools during her yearly physical examination. A colonoscopy indicated a tumor in the lower bowel. She underwent a surgery to remove the tumor but the surgeon found that the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and invaded the left lobe of her liver. Medically this was considered a Stage 4 metastatic colon cancer.

Frances and her daughter, Sharon, came to Dr. Richard Keyes's clinic. They were greeted warmly by the doctor who proceeded to examine Frances's operation wound. Everything seemed okay. They sat down to discuss follow-up treatment.

Richard: Frances, all traces of cancer were removed from your bowel and the surrounding lymph nodes. A few small spots of tumor were found on the left side of the liver. But we have chemotherapy to help take care of them.

Frances's face showed great relief.

Richard: The chemotherapy I will give you is very active against those spots in the liver. I expect some side effects, like mouth sores, diarrhea and anemia, but you'll be monitored closely. All of the side effects can be managed and will ultimately reverse. Any questions?

Frances thought for a moment and understood what needed to be done. Richard wrote into this patient's file: "Patient and family understand the risks and benefits of the proposed therapy."

Frances left the clinic.

Groopman to Richard: When I'm with the (patient), if direct questions come up, I should emphasize remission, correct?
Richard: Yes, I certainly wouldn't look at Frances and say: "Madam, the cancer in your liver will kill you." What's the point of that? All it does is make the remaining time even more miserable. Or cause her to panic and refuse palliation. Richard continued further: Each doctor has his own style, his own way of doing things. Believe me, for patients in situations like this, too much information is overwhelming.

After the first shot of chemotherapy Frances had some nausea and dry heaves. But she seemed to be in good spirit despite the side effects. She said: "I'm a fighter." Later, she suffered painful mouth ulcers and had to be hospitalized and put on drips. After that she had to be hospitalized again due to fevers and abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Three months into chemotherapy

Richard to Frances: Look at that CAT scan. This is the liver ... those are the deposits we are treating. They're about half the size of what we started with.
Frances: Does that mean I am partly cured?
Richard: You are well on the way to a remission. Thank God. It's going away.

Frances's daughter, Sharon, closed her eyes and bowed her head in a silent prayer.

Time passed and it was January 1979

Dr. Groopman shook Frances's hand and felt it trembled. France's liver function tests showed elevated values as they had not been before. Dr. Richard Keyes examined her abdomen.

Richard: Your liver edge is tender and your blood tests are slightly abnormal. Sometimes the chemotherapy can inflame the liver as a side effect. You are due for a follow-up CAT scan in a week. Until then, I'll give you a prescription for some pain medication. Don't be reluctant to use it if you need to.

Frances left the clinic.

Richard to Groopman: You know, it really doesn't make a difference clinically if it is the cancer and not the chemo. There's little we can do about it. By telling Frances and Sharon now, we just add another few weeks of worry. This way they have something to cling to for a little longer. Richard looked at Groopman kindly and continued: You're at the beginning of your career, Jerry ... SUSTAINED IGNORANCE IS A FORM OF BLISS. May be she'll be lucky and it will turn out to be a side effect from the drugs.

Two weeks later Groopman saw the report of Frances's scan and wrote: "The liver metastasis had more than doubled in size, and new deposits had appeared in the spleen. The organs looked as though they had been riddled by large-caliber bullets, leaving gaping holes. The scan also showed the fluid was building up in the abdomen. I knew that patients like Frances rarely survived over a few months. I noticed a faint tinge of yellow in her eyes. It was jaundice, an indication that the cancer was blocking the liver's excretion of bile. Her abdomen was so distended from the ascites that it pressed her navel outward like a bubble."

Frances came into the clinic.

Groopman: How are you?
Frances: Very tired. I have no appetite. I have to force myself to eat, since the food doesn't go down easily.
Groopman: We need to drain the ascites to relieve the pressure. You should feel better afterward.
Sharon: Then that means it's spreading quickly, doesn't it?
Frances: I have no energy. I felt for a while that something was wrong ... But Dr. Keyes said it was from the chemotherapy treatments.
Sharon: I thought you and Dr. Keyes said that the chemotherapy could cure her.
Groopman: He didn't -- we didn't -- quiet say that. We said that there was a good chance of going into remission, which happened. Groopman then explained what remission meant and how it differed from cure.
Sharon: Why didn't you tell us before?
Groopman: Colon cancer behaves this way. Shrinking for a while from the treatment then becoming resistant to it and growing again. I am sorry.

Groopman wrote: "The last time I saw the (patient) was in early March. Frances was unable to eat more than a few bites of solid food. If drinks were too cold or too hot, she regurgitated them. Each drainage of the ascites provided only a few days of relief before the fluid re-accumulated. Frances declined further chemotherapy after hearing my frank recitation of data on its chance of working.

Sharon: I guess he (Dr. Richard Keyes) didn't think people like us are smart enough or strong enough to handle the truth.
Groopman: It wasn't a question of smart enough. Dr. Keyes and I were trying to spare you the worry. Well, we were both wrong.

Frances died soon afterwards. Groopman wrote: "A sense of shame and guilt gripped me. Richard and I had failed the (patient). It has been a delusion to tell myself that what Richard had done and what I have embraced as his apprentice was for the best for them. Ignorance was not bliss, not when it mattered. By abandoning the truth, Richard and I had abandoned Frances, and through our deception we left Sharon alienated and bitter."

Comments: It amazed me that the same story is been played over and over again by different doctors everywhere. It does not seem to matter if it is in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore or the United States.

Groopman felt ashamed and guilty. I wonder how many others felt the same way after having failed. How could they ever face their patients knowing that in "trying to do their best" they actually deceived or misled their patients?

Groopman was right when he wrote that the episode had left Sharon alienated and bitter. Who would not feel disappointed, cheated or deceived? In a decade of my own experiences, I have met patients and their family members who felt bitter and enraged at those doctors who had taken them for a ride. Many have lost their loved ones besides having to face a hefty medical debt to settle. For some who are poor, they resorted to selling their property -- land or house. That was the bet that they took to "buy" the "misrepresented cure" which doctors told them was promising indeed. Patients fail to understand that there is "that much any oncologist" can do when faced with cancer.

All these years I have always maintained that patients must be told the truth or provided with enough and unbiased information to enable them to make a decision for themselves. There is no need for anyone to "play God" and try to be a hero. Groopman was right - he and Richard were wrong in trying to "protect" Frances by concealing the truth. Or by withholding the truth, were they trying to protect Richard's "income"?

By writing this, I am not "anti-doctors". I hope patients, their family members and even the doctors learn from what Dr. Groopman had written. I have great admiration and respect for this author, Dr. Jerome Groopman. From the early stage of his career, he had shown himself to be a man of integrity filled with love and compassion. I am proud of him and salute him for his righteousness and integrity. This is the kind of doctor that the world needs and patients should go to for help. Sadly, I am skeptical or not too sure of some oncologists. Patients or their family members told me that their doctors, more often than not, were "after my money not after my cancer." These oncologists had no time for them or showed no compassion at all. When patients ask about the side effects of the chemo, the answer was often trivialized or downplayed: "Oh, it is nothing much -- a bit of hair loss and nausea." In actual fact, some patients went through "hell" while on chemotherapy without any assurance of a cure. If patients ask more questions, the answer was often: "Why ask so much. You doctor or I doctor." There was an oncologist who said: "I am not cheap, if you don't have the money go to other doctors. Otherwise, go home and sell your house and then come and see me."

For more information on the CA Therapy: [http://www.BookOnCancer] and view our video clips on healing of colon cancer,

Chemotherapy for Colon-Liver Cancer - A Medical Smoke Screen?