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How Effective Is Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer?



Chemotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for cancer. Chemotherapy is the usage of any certain medication or drug in treating certain diseases. Antibiotics are also chemotherapy type of medications.

In the modern world, chemotherapy is often referred as a treatment for a particular condition which is cancer and this is because it is mostly used by cancer patients. Chemotherapy is capable of traveling in the body's bloodstream and reaching the cancer cells in certain organs which have not been removed through surgery or through radiation treatment. Chemotherapy is capable of stopping or slowing the rapid production of cancer cells in the body. There are 3 ways in which, chemotherapy is used in breast cancer and these are as main treatment for the particular cancer, as a preventive measure for the recurrence of the cancer and as a way of relieving the symptoms brought about by cancer.

The effectiveness of chemotherapy has been widely known worldwide. It has been used to cancer patients especially to those who are in the late stage of the disease. When a patient is experiencing a late stage cancer, chemotherapy is usually the only option that medical practitioners have as a treatment for that patient. This is because the cancer cells of a late stage cancer have most likely spread to certain parts of the body wherein surgery or other treatments cannot reach anymore and chemotherapy is the only treatment that can kill them at this stage. However, chemotherapy as breast cancer treatment does not make sure in curing the disease completely. But still, this is the kind of cancer treatment which has the highest rating for the cancer patient's survival.

Chemotherapy drugs for breast cancer are given either orally or intravenously. The drugs are capable of entering into the bloodstream and when it gets there, they will travel to every part of the body including the breast, find existing cancer cells and kill them. The chemotherapy drugs do not just target the cancer cells in the breast but in all parts of the body thus, it is called as a systemic kind of breast cancer treatment. Since the drugs travel to all parts of the body, their effectively of eliminating the disease completely is high because the drugs will also stop the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. The time span of the chemotherapy treatment can vary depending on the severity of the cancer, the reaction of the drugs in the patient's body and the type of the drugs which are being given to the cancer patient.

Other than just treating breast cancer, Chemotherapy is also effective in preventing the recurrence of cancer cells in the body. In most cases, cancer is experienced by a patient more than once because the cancer cells have spread to different parts of the body. Chemotherapy drugs are still being continuously given even to patients who have completely cured their breast cancer just to make sure that all cancer cells are killed not just in the breast but also in all organs to prevent recurrence of cancer.

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